Brokkoli sprouts

                        The Advantages of Broccoli Sprouts

Cruciferous vegetables are at the top of the list of cancer-fighting foods, yet you would have to eat 10 servings of broccoli every day to get its benefits. Young broccoli sprouts contain up to 50 times more of the antioxidant sulforaphane than broccoli, according to research presented at the Diet, Epigenetic Events, and Cancer Prevention Symposium in 2007.


Young broccoli sprouts contain more of the powerful antioxidant, sulphoraphane, than broccoli.


Harvested at just four to five days old, broccoli sprouts are the baby versions of adult vegetables. A 3-ounce serving of broccoli sprouts provides 35 calories, 5 grams of carbohydrate, 2 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. The sprouts also pack sulforaphane, a powerful plant chemical with health benefits.


Gastric Cancer Prevention

Gastric cancer is associated with the bacteria, H. pylori. The sulforaphane in broccoli sprouts may keep H. pylori infections at bay, according to authors of a 2009 study in “Cancer Prevention Research.” Researchers who fed sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprouts to mice for two months noted reduced growth of H. pylori and enhanced protection of the stomach from cancer in the mice.


Respiratory Health

Sulforaphane may reduce the symptoms of asthma and other lung problems. Broccoli sprout supplementation reduced oxidative stress and inflammation in the airways of participants in a study published in “Clinical Immunology” in 2009. Likewise, in a 2011 review of the literature in the “Journal of Medicinal Plant Research,” the authors conclude that sulforaphane has the potential to treat respiratory disorders.


Heart Health

Sulfaraphane-rich broccoli sprouts may be the key to lowering your risk for heart disease. High blood pressure and elevated triglyceride and cholesterol levels are strong risk factors for developing heart disease, and people with diabetes are at even greater risk. Broccoli sprout powder decreased blood triglyceride levels in people with Type 2 diabetes in a 2012 study in “Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.” In another study, a diet supplemented with dried broccoli sprouts significantly lowered the blood pressure of rats in a 2004 issue of “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.”



Raw sprouts present a risk for contamination and food-borne illness, particularly salmonella ad E. coli infections. At least 30 cases have been reported since 1996, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. If you are pregnant, elderly or immune-compromised, cook sprouts thoroughly.